An extraordinary journey
That is it friends… we are back in the Netherlands. It has been an adventure to the max. 23 months of new cultures, new faces, new friends in different places. A lot of fun and some really really unpleasant stuff. Loooooonnng trips in full minibuses with crying babies, dead chickens and my knees up to my ears. Not so comfortable beds with unwanted guests, sweaty nights and cold showers. Freezing nights and cold showers… Waking up at night thinking where the bathroom is thís time. Losing track of what day it is, what date and even what month. Forgetting a visa actually has an end date… Remember that time watching the milky way in South Africa, camping with 47 °C in the Australian outback, playing soccer with street kids in Madagascar. Remember when I sat in that bus seat soaked…
Preparing for a worldtrip
Most people who make a trip like this, do that only once in their life, so preparations are quite a big deal. We have first decided what our budget would be and we made that our main goal for the past years. That money can only be spent once, so have a list with places we really want to see and what comes in second place. It will drive you crazy, because as soon as you get into the details, everything looks fantastic! Nevertheless, we have managed to turn our huge list into a rough plan with A. the countries we reallyrealyreally want to discover and B. our second choices, the countries we want to visit if our budget allows it. Our global wish list can be found here but generally: we will see where we’ll end up… In addition,…
Made in Holland
These past few weeks were busy, very stressful. Preparations, our house was sold, the moving, a rescheduled flight, our missing passports… but now it’s finally time to go. Our friends take us to the trainstation and say goodbye for a long long time. We hug five times, six… one more, and wave each other off like in a dramatic movie scene. While we are in the train with my daughter and son-in-law, it still feels like a dream. Pinch me, am I awake?! Halfway through the trip, my daughter gets off and my brother enters the train. I hug my little girl for as long as possible and when the train doors close, I’m having a lump in my throat, for the first time I feel emotional. We wave with a big smile until we no longer see each other.…
Our route
We have been dreaming about this for years, so we’ve had a lot of time to study the theory. Topography has become our main subject with weather prediction as a second. The last thing we want is to get into a hurricane season or a heat wave, so some planning is necessary. Eventhough we have a global route, we do not want to get stuck in a plan, and so we’ll only put a dot on the map after we’ve been there… Connecting dots… We’ll tell you what this awesome global route contains: We’ve started in Cape Town, roadtripping through South Africa and moved through Mozambique, Zimbabwe and crossed Zambia by train to Tanzania where we had some awesome adventures. Then we crossed the blue waters to the Seychelles for a relaxing week, we made an extraordinairy roadtrip through Madagascar, a week of hiking on La Réunion…