• Capetown is cool

    After a long turbulent flight with transfer in Qatar we finally exit the Cape Town terminal. We sniff the air, how does South Africa smell? Ahhh good! With the MyCity bus we drive to the…

  • Passport gate

    After we applied for a visa at the Mozambican embassy in Brussels four weeks ago, our passports were returned by registered mail. The package turned out to arrive in the Netherlands, however, addressed to a…

  • Missing in action: two passports

    It all seemed so easy… just apply for a visa for Mozambique. You can not apply for this visa at the border for a year now, but you must first request a visa at the…

  • Less is more

    The freedom of traveling light is endless, your shoulders and back feel the difference immediately and your mood will be better by the step. The choice for a larger backpack will quickly tempt you to…