Capetown is cool
After a long turbulent flight with transfer in Qatar we finally exit the Cape Town terminal. We sniff the air, how does South Africa smell? Ahhh good! With the MyCity bus we drive to the center for about € 6.50 per person. The bus is quite modern and not very crowded. After a large industrial area we drive past slums where the public toilets are lined up and the garbage bags are thrown over the fence. Pretty sad. Next everything is much greener and we even see flamingos in a river along the highway. Cool! The Table Mountain is very visible and looks impressive. At the foot of the mountain there is a small park where we see zebras running. The windows in the bus are open, the fresh wind blows in and smells like a barbecue. When we arrive…
Passport gate
After we applied for a visa at the Mozambican embassy in Brussels four weeks ago, our passports were returned by registered mail. The package turned out to arrive in the Netherlands, however, addressed to a wrong (non-existent) house number and therefore: return to sender. We had already planned to drive to Brussels last Tuesday, but unfortunately, something went wrong at the distribution center in Brussels so the package was sent back to the non-existing address in the Netherlands. Again. Drama, I say. Error, says the Belgian B-post, who cannot do anything because the package is back in the Netherlands. Calling with B-post and calling with our Dutch PostNL, but no matter how friendly they are, there seems to be no one who can free the package from his infinite drama. It should be easy to solve, but no, our worst…
Missing in action: two passports
It all seemed so easy… just apply for a visa for Mozambique. You can not apply for this visa at the border for a year now, but you must first request a visa at the consulate. We could have done this at the Mozambican consulate in South Africa, but that means that we have to stay in one place for one week and in addition we wouldn’t have our passports temporarily. Neh, too much hassle, as long as we can arrange this kind of business in advance, we’ll do. We checked a few months ago on the embassy website how it all works and also checked the prices, 50 euros per person for a multiple entry visa. A lot of money, but we have included this in our budget, so it has to be. The visa is valid for three…
Less is more
The freedom of traveling light is endless, your shoulders and back feel the difference immediately and your mood will be better by the step. The choice for a larger backpack will quickly tempt you to bring even more stuff, while you’ll always regret this once you’re on the road. You can of course choose to leave half of your wardrobe with that poor family in that cute village, but it all starts with your wardrobe. CHOOSE. Be strict, think multifunctional and lightweight. Make a stack of must-bring and a stack that may also be allowed if you have space left. Yes, all nicely put, but how do you choose? Your closet is full of beautiful clothes that you all want to take with you. It depends, of course, greatly on which countries you visit and the purpose of your trip,…